2023 - DGE Cricket

Year: 2023

Cricket Batting Pads

How to select the right batting pads

If you play cricket competitively, you are probably well aware of how simple it is to get struck in the legs several times by the ball, leaving you with bruises for a week. You will be able to play your favorite sport less and less the longer you are injured. You’re probably reading this article to learn[...]
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Abdominal guard

Cricket’s Abdominal Guard: All the Information You Need

Introduction: Although cricket is an exciting sport, there are risks involved, particularly when playing against quick bowlers. The abdominal guard is useful in this situation. For your safety on the pitch, whether you’re a professional player or just a cricket enthusiast, knowing the significance of this protective gear and how to use it is crucial.[...]
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Cricket Keeping Pads

Wicket Keeping Pads: 5 Features & Top Manufacturers

As long as cricket players are concerned, wicket keeping pads are a need. It is among the most essential pieces of cricket gear that protects a batsman’s entire set of legs. Using wicket-keeping pads protects the lower leg, shins, and lower thigh against shots that are likely to strike these areas. A wicket keeper is[...]
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English Willow Bats

Getting the Best English Willow Bats to Help You Win

Despite the fact that football is supported by the majority of people worldwide, cricket has admirers and supporters everywhere. Last year, a game of cricket was played on the Alps mountain, which shows the growing popularity of the sport at higher altitudes. Making an online cricket bat selection would be difficult given the variety available.[...]
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Cricket Balls

How to Select a Cricket Ball | Cricket Ball Weight

Talent is a must for an ideal game, but reliable kit is also important. Picking the appropriate tools to improve your game will provide you a competitive advantage. Cricket players typically focus on selecting the appropriate bats, but picking the appropriate ball is just as crucial. It is actually impossible to play cricket without a[...]
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Cricket Balls

Types of Various Cricket Balls: Analyzing Types and Their Features

Introduction: Various types of cricket balls are used in different game styles in cricket, a sport that is well-known for its various equipment. One essential element that affects the game’s speed, swing, and spin is the cricket ball. We shall examine the numerous varieties of cricket balls, their attributes, and their importance in the different[...]
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