Warranty - DGE Cricket



We accept liability for all legal guarantees and warranties expressed or implied to the transactions under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, or any other legislation (such as the Fair Trading Acts (or equivalent legislation) in each State and Territory) the effect of which cannot be excluded. However, where we are permitted by law, we will only:

In the case of services, resupply of the services or pay you the cost of resupply; and

In the case of goods, replace the goods, supply equivalent goods, repair the goods, pay you for the cost of replacing the goods (or of acquiring equivalent goods), or pay you for the cost of having the goods repaired.

Where we are permitted by law (and subject to clause 16.1):

We do not warrant or represent the suitability of the Site or a Product for any purpose; and

We will not be liable to you for indirect and consequential loss (including without limitation for loss of revenue, loss of profits, failure to realise expected profits or savings and any other commercial or economic loss of any kind) or loss or corruption of data, in contract, tort, under any statute or otherwise (including negligence) arising from or connected to the Site or the Product.

Our liability to you for loss or damage of any kind arising out of this agreement or in connection with the relationship established by it is reduced to the extent (if any) that you cause or contribute to the loss or damage. This reduction applies whether our liability is in contract, tort (including negligence), under any statute or otherwise.