Cricket skin gloves: Define? Why should we used. - DGE Cricket
Cricket Batting Gloves

Cricket skin gloves: Define? Why should we used.

Cricket skin gloves, often referred to simply as “skins” or “inner gloves,” are specialized garments designed to be worn beneath a cricketer’s regular batting gloves. These skins serve multiple purposes, primarily focusing on providing additional comfort, protection, and performance enhancement to the player.

Why should we used Cricket skin gloves?

Using cricket skin gloves, also known as inner gloves or skins, offers several advantages that contribute to a player’s comfort, performance, and safety on the field. Here are some compelling reasons for their use:

Compression and Support:

Skins are made from materials that offer compression, providing a snug fit around the hands and wrists. This compression helps support the muscles, reducing fatigue and minimizing the risk of strains or injuries during extended play. They essentially act as a second skin, offering stability to the hands and wrists without restricting movement.

Temperature Regulation:

Another benefit of skins is their ability to assist in regulating body temperature. They help in retaining warmth in colder conditions while allowing ventilation and heat dissipation in warmer weather, ensuring that the player’s hands stay comfortable and ready for optimal performance.


While not as heavily padded as outer cricket gloves, skins do offer a thin layer of protection. They act as a barrier against minor impacts and abrasions, adding an extra level of defense without compromising the player’s tactile sensation or grip on the bat.

Seamless Integration:

Skins are designed to be lightweight and thin, allowing them to be worn comfortably underneath regular cricket gloves. They are typically form-fitting and made from flexible materials that don’t interfere with hand movements, ensuring that players retain the necessary dexterity and feel required for batting.

Enhanced Grip and Control:

Skins provide a close, snug fit around the hands and wrists, which helps maintain a better grip on the cricket bat. This ensures that the player has optimal control over their strokes, enabling precise shots without the hindrance of sweaty palms or discomfort.

Moisture Management:

One of the primary reasons for using skins is their ability to wick away moisture. As players sweat during a match, skins absorb the moisture, keeping the hands dry. This prevents slippage, maintaining a firm grip on the bat and reducing the chances of mishits caused by sweaty hands.

Muscle Support and Injury Prevention:

The compression offered by skins provides support to the muscles in the hands and wrists. This support reduces fatigue and strain during long periods of play, minimizing the risk of muscle-related injuries and allowing players to maintain their performance levels throughout the game.

Hygiene and Maintenance:

By acting as a barrier, skins absorb sweat and moisture, keeping the external gloves cleaner for longer durations. This contributes to better hygiene and also helps in extending the lifespan of the outer gloves by reducing the wear and tear caused by sweat and moisture.


Cricket skin gloves are essential accessories worn beneath regular cricket gloves. They offer compression, moisture management, a degree of protection, and comfort, enhancing a player’s performance while safeguarding their hands during the rigors of a cricket match.

Using cricket skin gloves offers a range of benefits that include better grip, moisture management, injury prevention, temperature regulation, added protection, improved hygiene, and enhanced overall comfort and flexibility during gameplay. These advantages make them a valuable accessory for cricketers, enabling them to perform at their best while safeguarding their hands.

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